Saturday, December 03, 2005

Gettin' Started

Well, I've finally decided to give this blogging thing a try. Here's a little about me:

I am a 29-year old mom of two beautiful kids who has been married for 7 years. I work as a counsellor for troubled teenagers who have drug and alcohol addictions and I'm also working on a PhD in Psychology. So yeah, you guessed it: I don't have much free time! In the extra time that I do have, I love to watch Reality TV (esp. Survivor), read and try out new and healthy recipes.

Working out is also very important to me and helps to keep me sane with such a busy schedule. I do 2-3 days/week of total body resistance training and up to 4 cardio sessions a week, usually treadmill or elliptical. I LOVE training arms and have noticed some great changes over the past 3 or so months. Who knew I actually had biceps under there! Some day I would love to compete in a figure competition but don't have the time to train to the extent that I would need to right now.

More than anything, I hope that I can pass on my love for fitness and nutrition to my kids so that they will grow up to be healthy and strong. As a kid, I was chubby and didn't take part in many sports or physical activity and I remember what it was like to be teased. As a teenager, I took charge and started exercising (anybody out there remember the 20-minute workout on TV? Well, that's what got me going believe it or not!) and eating better. I joined some of my high school sports teams and as I became more fit, my confidence grew and I knew I was on to something. So hopefully my knowledge and experience will allow my kids to embrace a healthy lifestyle from a young age rather than them having to "catch up" later on in life as I did.

Anyways, that's a little part of my story and I'm looking forward to seeing how this blogging goes!


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