I miss my blends!
Hey gang,
It's been a ridiculously long time since I've updated. So what's been going on with me in the last month and a half? Hmm, let's see....
Well, for one, I chopped my hair!! I got it cut to just above my shoulders which I haven't done in years. I'd been thinking about it for awhile and then I just realized it was time for a change. I didn't tell Scot ahead of time because he loves long hair and I didn't want to be talked out of it. I wasn't too sure what I thought of the cut at first, but now I love it! As for Scot, well, I think he was disappointed because when I asked what he thought, he said, "As long as you like it." Oh well, he's used to it now! I'll post a picture soon so you can see for yourselves.
Here's where I can use some advice from you moms out there. About a month ago, Emily woke up one night screaming like I've never heard her scream before. I was terrified but then when I went into her room, I realized she was just having a nightmare. Ever since that night, bedtime has been hell for us. Emily thinks there are monsters in her room and I've moved the bed away from the wall to show her there aren't any and also taken a flashlight to help her do searches in her room to prove to her there are none. She has even started saying there are no monsters in her room, but she still starts crying and continuously getting out of bed each night. I'm wondering if part of this is just attention seeking. We've tried cuddling her, night lights, music, stuffed toys, bath right before bed, the "hard line" approach (i.e., "If you get out of bed, the music goes off, etc.). It takes about 2 hours before she finally falls asleep but even then, she wakes up several times and eventually ends up in bed with us because we have to get some sleep. I think I'm going to have to call the SuperNanny soon for pete's sake! Any advice?
Fitness-wise, I've changed things up again. Working out during my lunch hours at work did me well last year, but things have gotten so busy, that I simply can't get out often enough. So, I've been starting to do Body Pump classes with my sister-in-law some evenings. Also, my friend from work gave me her elliptical because she wasn't using it, so I've been able to do some cardio while watching tv (yay!!). There's still much to be desired in the eating department but I won't give up until I find what works for me.
Other than that, life is continuing on with its hectic pace. School is busy but going well. I won a bursary that will give me some extra money each term, and I'm almost finished another course as well as some data collection for my dissertation. I'm still thinking I'll be done in about a year to a year and half. Can't wait!
And now, I can go catch up with the rest of you. Yay!