Interview Time!
Today, I finally had my interview for the clinical supervisor position. I think that overall, it went pretty well, but it's hard for me to judge how I compared to the two other candidates. None of the questions they asked were a real shocker, and the atmosphere was fairly relaxed. I was still a bit nervous and I could feel myself shaking a bit, though I know my voice was very calm. The shaking was probably more to do with the fact that I was cold. It was about -37 degrees Celsius today with the wind chill, so it was hard to get warmed up even inside! The executive director said he hopes to have a final decision by the end of the week, so I guess I'll know soon enough how I did.
This past weekend was a super busy one. On Friday night, we had 10 of Kyle's friends over for a b-day party. It was a house full of yelling and screaming and oh so hyper 5-year olds! They kept wanting to play tag in our hallways and I really thought someone was going to get hurt so out came the structured activities: bingo, hot potato, and the movie Cars (thank god for Cars, let me tell ya!). Kyle had lots of fun, so it was worth it!
Saturday, we had a b-day dinner for me at mom's house. That was A LOT calmer than Friday night! I got to have my mom's yummy lasagna (a real cheat treat for sure!) and I got some nice gifts too: Gap "So Pink" body mist, A Stone Temple Pilots CD and Pearl Jam CD I've been wanting for awhile, and a beautiful blouse that my mom got me. I wore the blouse today for good luck at the interview :)
Then, yesterday, we had a family party for Kyle at our place. There were about 35 people over for lunch and everyone seemed to have a great time. Kyle got some skates (among other things) as a present, and he got to try them out on the skating rink that Scot made in our yard. It was Kyle's first time ever on skates and he liked it so much that he was kind of mad when it was time to come in! I was so pooped by Sunday night that I fell asleep while watching Deal or No Deal Canada!
Good times for sure!
Sounds like lots of birthday fun!!!!
Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!! Friday seem so very far away!!!!
Yep fingers crossed too here! & EYES if you want it!
Boys & birthdays ...ULP...I'm still having flashback of one of Stevie's friends almost trying to Hang from our chadelier NOPE never thatgroup again here! ~lol~
Hope you get the job! Fingers crossed.
Yikes on the -37 temp! I guess I shouldn't be complaining about our 20s temp.
Glad the party was a success!
Hey there! Any updates?
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