Saturday, January 14, 2006

Workout Rut

Today is Saturday and I have not done one good workout yet this week. Sure I've done a little walking here and there, but nothing that really counts. And my eating has been so-so. I usually start off the day right with either egg whites and oatmeal or a protein smoothie, but as the day goes on, I end up having a little sweet snack here and one there and as we all know, it adds up. I could go on about how busy of a week it was, etc., etc., but as Teresa recently wrote on her blog, when you look at the struggles Julie Whitt went through before she passed away and how no matter what, she found time and didn't let anything get in her way, I really don't have a good excuse. So, even though the week has been a write-off so far, today (NOT tomorrow) is the day I will pull up my socks and begin again. I will get to the gym today and do a "redemption workout" (which when translated means WORK DAMN HARD!). And on Monday, I will renew my membership at the gym beside work and start back there on my lunch hours. I held off on this before since I didn't know if I would still have a job. No excuses now though! I will also get back on track with eating well for the whole day, not just breakfast.

Plus, I found out that Oxygen is having a contest for its readers where someone will get to be on the cover next year!!! Apparently, the winner will be someone who has most improved their physique and health over a one year period. I have to pick up the special Nutrition issue that is out this month to read more of the details. I know it's a long shot, but winning that contest would be so awesome! Talk about motivation to bust my butt!

I've been thinking lately about why it is that we make these goals for ourselves but often end up hitting a rut. Back in my undergrad days, I studied with a professor who taught about procrastination. One of the things I learned is that people often procrastinate due to fear of failure. And when I think about it, it makes sense because I sometimes catch myself thinking that I will never get in the shape that I dream of being in. So, maybe when I get into a rut, I'm putting off doing what I know I should do because of the underlying fear that I can't do it! Sounds completely silly I'm sure, but there's lots of research that suggests that this is true for why people procrastinate on many things. Check out this funny little clip I found which gets at what I am talking about:

I think being more mindful of this fear of failure thing will help me to re-focus and get back on track. Because I CAN do it and the time to start is now, not tomorrow!


At 10:39 AM, Blogger PartTimeMom said...

awsome job and a great idea - starting off right - TODAY and not tomorrow.

You CAN do this. It's a matter of making choices and how much better do we feel about ourselves when we make the choices that are right for US and that move us toward our goals.

Hmm that Oxygen contest is cool. I had seen it but did not read it - I automatically assumed I wouldn't 'qualify'

At 5:44 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Thanks for your support Matt and Shawn!

You are definitely eligible to enter, Shawn! And if you're interested, I say go for it!


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