Monday, September 18, 2006

Day 1

After a month of so-so workouts and terrible eating, I have finally bit the bullet and decided that today is my start over day. I think it was the stress of school combined with being on holidays that made me stray from the game plan, but those aren't good excuses, and now I'm ready to give it my all again. I have actually gone into my agenda and penciled in when I will workout so that I make sure not to book anything else. This is something I haven't tried before and I think it will help.

So far, today has looked like this eating-wise (I also drank lots of water):

M1: oatmeal with raisins and skim milk, 5 egg whites
M2: turkey sandwich on whole wheat with 1 tsp Miracle Whip and lettuce, 1 cup skim milk, 1 peach
M3: 1/2 can tuna, 1 green pepper, 1 plum
M4: chicken breast, 1 cup w.w. rice, green beans

I got in a great UBWO along with 20 minutes of interval running on the treadmill.

If Cherie and Coco will still have me, I'm in for that thigh challenge! If I'm too late, I will still work on it for myself anyways.

As many of you read on the Forum, I successfully defended my PhD prospectus last Wed.! That was such a huge relief since I'd been working on it for so many months. I feel that finishing that was one of the big motivators that has gotten me back on track with fitness. Thanks so much to all of you who sent good vibes and words of encouragement my way as I was fretting about my defense!!

So all in all, Day 1 has been a success! Yay me!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Goodbye to a Legend

After a great 3rd round match at the US Open today, Andre Agassi lost and is now officially retired from professional tennis. He was by far my favourite tennis player of all time and probably my favourite athlete from any sport. He was all choked up as he gave a moving speech to the crowd thanking his fans for giving him "shoulders to stand on" for many years, even at times he didn't believe in himself. Truly a class act.

So all I have to say is: Thank you Andre Agassi for giving us so many years of awesome tennis!

Friday, September 01, 2006

I guess it's about time....

That I update, that is. I think this is the longest I have gone without posting anything new. I've been enjoying the last two weeks being on holidays from work and spending some time with the kiddos. Call it the August calm before the September storm because Sept. is gonna be a busy month! I was talking to one of my coworkers today and she was filling me in on what I've been missing at work, and things are going to be busy when I get back next week. Me and one of the other clinicians have been waiting to get desks for the past month and a half since the agency moved, and I found out we STILL don't have any! Everyone else got one except us since ours are apparently on back order. This is getting crazy and it makes it really hard to be productive when I have to search for things in boxes. Geez, I'm not even back yet and I'm already stressed out about it! One thing I'm looking forward to about going back is going to the gym. I've been running and biking while on holidays, but I can't wait to get back into my usual routine.

September is also going to be busy school wise. My prospectus defense is set for Sept. 13 (gulp!) and I did a practice talk today which went well. I'm nervous, but I also can't wait for it to finally be done! Send some good vibes my way, okay? I also restart my TA duties (teaching assistant) this month.

Kyle started school again this past Wednesday and he had a great day. Since he is in kindergarten and they do a staggered starting, he doesn't go back again until next Wed. and then finally goes full time as of Sept. 11. Boy the Summer went by quickly!

Those of you who are part of the Blends Forum know that I've been enjoying watching Andre Agassi play in his final professional match at the US Open before he retires. He's had two awesome games so far and I've been staying up super late just to watch. I don't want to miss a moment since I'll never get to watch him play again :( Plus, I don't want to miss his parting words whenever he's done, which I hope won't be until the very end! You can bet I'll do a tribute post to him when the retirement is official.

I'm looking forward to catching up with all of your blogs. Things have been so busy lately that it seems like I've only been able to read one or two at a time. Hope you all have a great long weekend!