My dilemma
As you all know, the agency where I work has gone through mega changes over the past 8 or so months. People got laid off, we've been through a couple of new executive directors, and three of our programs had to close down. We also lost our director of clinical services who I really looked up to and admired. Actually, the title of that position has now been changed to "supervisor" of clinical services. Interviews were done a few months ago, and a couple of potential candidates were found, but it didn't work out because for whatever reason, they were not able to move from out of province when they were offered the position.
So, here's where my dilemma comes in. A couple of weeks ago, one of my friends from work came up to me and told me that there is a buzz around the agency that people want ME to apply to be supervisor of clinical services! In fact, she had heard that before our last executive director left, she was trying to put a bug in my ear about this. Now I understand why the ED asked me twice within the span of a month if I would consider working full time, or at least 4 days a week! When my friend told me all this, it got me thinking about whether I should apply. Thing is, I would be crazy to take on a full time job while I still have school to finish up. So, I went to talk to the HR supervisor and asked her if she thought they would consider hiring me if I agreed to do 4 days a week. First off, she confirmed everything that my friend had told me and she said that the former ED thought that my qualifications were even better than those of the two candidates who had interviews and who were offered the position. Second, the HR supervisor said that if I would be willing to do 4 days a week, she would strongly back me with the current ED.
There are so many pros and cons to this position that it's making my head spin when I try to figure out if I should go for it or not. I'm going to list them and if you guys have any feedback, please let me know 'cause my brain is tired!
- this would be a great career move for me
- I know the agency, and I have worked with the types of kids we serve for almost 4 years
- I would get a raise of about $10,000
-I like most of my coworkers and I think they would respect me as a supervisor
- I think of the former Director of clinical services and the level of knowledge and expertise she had (she was a clinical psychologist) and I don't think I measure up to that yet. I will one day with more experience, but I don't think I'm there yet
- it would be weird supervising people who have been my colleagues up until now and some of whom have worked there longer than I have
- what if this takes away from some of the time I need for school?
- I just feel like I have so much left to learn, even though so many people from work tell me I would be great in this position.
In other news, I have yet to get a good workout in this week because I was in more training on Monday and Tuesday (this time I didn't have to go out of town). I'm going to try to change that tomorrow and get at least a good run in since I probably won't be able to get to the gym on the weekend. One of Scot's uncles passed away this week, so we will be going to his funeral on Saturday and doing family things.
Today was Kyle's last day of school, so I'm planning out different activities to keep him busy over the Summer. I think I will let him invite some friends over for playdates once or twice a week and then other days, get him out to the park or running around outside in some way. We'll probably also go to the museums and other fun stuff like that. I just want to make sure he doesn't get bored and that he doesn't watch too much tv or play too many video games or anything like that.
Hope everyone is doing well! I have been keeping up with all of your blogs even if I haven't always had time to comment. And YAY for Summer finally being here!
I think you should go for it!!
Planning summer activities for a child is tough! Have fun with that! :-D
First of all, ask yourself if you really really want this job. If the answer is yes, then I would also say go for it! Moving up in your career always involve taking chances. In terms of the lack of experience in that job, you have to start from somewhere. In time, you'll get there.
No matter what you decide, I wish you all the best!
Julie, I think you should go for it! It'll keep you busy, yes, but you're almost done school and if you don't go for the chance now, who knows how long it will be before another one comes up? You'll still have plenty of time for school, and since we all know what procrastinators we are, it'll just mean you'll have to try and kick the habit! Hehe... plus, a raise will be good, and I think it's something you'll be really good at while enjoying at the same time. Good luck!
Just from what I know of you, I have complete confidence in your ability to take this on.
Let us know what you decide!
I can so relate to your dilemma. I am in the same boat. I applied for the position of team leader thinking their would be an interview processes and more time for me to decide if that was what i really wanted to do in the first place. Wham.. no interview you are it. Now I am on summer break. Wondering if I really am wanting the position or not. It is a tough decision to make. For me it is a new department that is just developing in my district so it is a very overwhelming thought.. we are short staffed at the current moment and like you i am wondering if I have what it takes for to do the job in the first place. Best of luck to you on your decision!!
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