Birthday Fun
Yesterday, we celebrated Emily's 2nd birthday. I can't believe she's already 2!! Kyle also had t-ball last night, so we did the cake and presents after that meaning that the kids got a good dose of sugar right before bed. Luckily, they settled down easily and had no problems falling asleep.
Everytime my kids' b-days come up, it gets me thinking about when they were born and how I felt the first time I saw them. So, for fun, I went back and looked at Emily's birth shots. She was a tiny 5lbs 8oz at birth and now she's this big toddler! Just so you can see the difference for yourselves, here is a picture of me holding her when she was just born. I know I look pretty rough, but it's the best way to give you an idea of just how little she was:
Now, here she is a "big girl" at 2.
You'll probably notice the swollen left eye which is due to a bug bite she got. The same thing happened at least twice last Summer and the doctor said the only thing we should do is give her some Benadryl to reduce the swelling. She woke up this morning with the eye completely shut, poor thing!
This weekend, we are having both families over for a big birthday party which should be fun. Her grandma is making her a Wiggles cake which she will love since she often watches it on TV. We got her a Wiggles DVD and when she opened it yesterday, she was all smiles. BTW, do any of you moms out there know of a cure for getting Wiggles songs out of your head? I swear, the songs "Dorothy the Dinosaur", "Big Red Car", and "Captain Feathersword" are stuck in my head for a good part of many days!
All is well on the workout front. I had a good 4K run today, but boy was it hot! I think it was around 23 degrees Celsius when I left, but I was determined not to let the heat be an excuse. I've been noticing lately that the scale is being my friend and showing my bodyfat to be around 27-28% which is lower than it's been in a long time. My first thought was that maybe the scale is broken! Or, maybe what I'm doing is actually working: Wahoo!
The Wiggles put a backtrack in thier songs that penetrates your cerebral cortex and imbeds itself deep into your subconcious. Once there, it is impossible to remove. And it has a minimum 6 hour life span. AVOID THE WIGGLES IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!!! Unless of course your sweet little girl loves them, then oh well, what can you do??? LOL
As soon as I saw your daughter's eye I knew it was a bug bite. Been there, happens every year to us.
Are you in Canada? I've always wondered where you're from and looked back a bit to see if you had ever said, but I don't see anything. I noticed that you made reference to Celsius, and that made me think you are in Canada.
What a fun age!!!!!!!!!
Donna: Yep, I'm from Canada. Anytime a blend posts the temperature in Fahrenheit, I'm always trying to figure out what that is in Celsius. My mental conversion skills are not very good!
great job on getting that run in despite the heat. Cute pixs. Hmm cake is looking good!! LOL
Happy birthday, Emily!
I swell up like that, too, when I get bit by some bugs.
Oh, how seet to see her as a baby and then at her birthday party. She's adorable. I love the green swirly candles on the cake, too.
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