Building me some arms!
Wahoo! At the gym today I was able to take 5lbs off of the assisted pull-up machine! Let me start by saying that the pull-up machines at the two gyms I go to are slightly different. At the gym near work, I've been pulling up with 35lbs of assistance while at the gym closer to home, I've done 30lbs. At the gym near work, you have to add your weight plates while at the one near home, you select a weight stack using the key. For some reason, the one near work (where you add plates) feels much harder and I've had a hell of a time getting lower than 35lbs. ANYWAYS, all that to say that I was thrilled today when I was able to do them with only 30lbs! I originally tried with 25lbs and although it was close, I could not quite make it up. After UBWO, I did 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill. It was one of those days where the run felt so awesome and I had energy to spare at the end. I could have kept on going if I didn't have to get back to work.
On the school front, I met with my advisor yesterday and she was pretty pleased with the draft I handed in to her last week. I still have some changes to make, but she's saying I just have to hand in one more draft and I should be ready to defend! So even though I won't make the May 31 deadline, she told me I'm definitely good to go by the end of June. So, I only have to ask for a one-month extension. I've submitted the paperwork and I'm just waiting to hear back to make sure it is approved. The graduate studies assistant did not seem to think it would a problem when I talked to her about it yesterday. Yay! A light at the end of the tunnel.
Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to a group of high school students about what I do at work. My friend is teaching mini courses and asked me to come in and speak to her students. She's basically trying to show students some of the things that people can do with Psychology degrees. Should be fun since my friend says they are an eager group.
Having just watched the Amazing Race, I have to add a "way to go" for the hippies yielding Mojo. The "Mo" of Mojo drives me nuts because she is such a frickin' whiner! Sucks that the hippies got to the mat just after Mojo, though. Loved the look on everyone's faces when they realized it was another non-elimination and that the hippies live on!
Go Hippies! I loved it that it was a non-elimination round. They make me laugh.
Great job on the pull ups. How many do you do? I've been hearing so many people talk about pull ups lately. I just started doing them again. I don't even want to say what weight I put on. It's sad.
I try to do 2 sets of 10. Because of the change in weight yesterday, I only managed a set of 10 and a set of 7 (and a half!) I'm getting there, though.
That's great!!! I have to do back at home on Saturday and since I don't have an assisted pull up machine, I have to try and do regular old pull ups. Hmmm....will I be able to do even one?
Wow, that's fantastic aboput the pullups. Glad to hear everything is coming together with school.
nice job at the gym!! sounds like thing with school are coming along nicely.
LOVE the hippies!! I love their attitude, too. Although I do feel they need to up the intensity just a smidge if thy are gonna win!
WTG on pullups! I need to start trying again.
Awesome job on the pull-ups! Pretty soon you'll need no assist! I need to start doing that again. I need way more assistance than you though.
I need to start watching Amazing Race. My family watches it all the time. I just never got into it.
Good luck on your paper!
good job on the pull ups and school! pull ups are so freakin hard for me. you must feel really relieved about school. you're getting really close now! i love lights at the end of academic tunnels.
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