Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Procrastination Website

So, from everyone's comments it seems like lots of us have procrastination issues. I liked the point some of you made about not wanting your kids to pick up the procrastination habit. Mine are still young enough that I haven't seen it in them yet, but I certainly don't want them to end up learning that from me.

Janel was asking if my professor has a website and actually he does. The link to Dr. Tim Pychyl's procrastination website is: http://http-server.carleton.ca/~tpychyl/ He has a lot of great references to books and research articles about procrastination, so check it out.

Have a great day everyone!


At 12:35 PM, Blogger kpottlitzer said...

you and i seem to have the same problem with school and procrastination. it is so hard to stay focused. i too find myself on her looking at blogs and the time totally gets away from me. i feel kind of braindead right now from my big test and still trying to recover from the wedding weekend. i need to go to the store, but first i'll check out the procrastination website. :)

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Janel said...

Hey just letting you know I started the procrastination blog, anyone who is interested is welcome to come commiserate, share ideas, and try to FIX ourselves!!! LMAO.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Kimberly said...

Just so you know, I am boycotting this post, and Janel's, and Jess's because I just can't admit my problem yet :)

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Starting Now coach said...

Depending when you read this... I have a free zap procrastination class coming up, and also a procrastination intensive for anyone who wants to get focused and take action on the stuff that makes a difference. You can get more info at www.StartingNowCoaching.com

You will also find an article with some tips to break through procrastiantion on the Ezine page and the Time Mangement Tips page of the website.

I think what has helped me personally the most was to STOP multi-tasking and set boundaries (phone calls). Then put 100% FOCUS on one task at a time, set a time limit, and aim for completion. Of course, it's not always easy when you have young children the age of Julie's but it helps! And the kids LOVE when they get 100% focus.

Hope this helps!


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