Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fun to do if you get the chance!

ColorQuiz.comJulie took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from s..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Good First Week

I haven't posted as much as I've wanted to this week since I've been so busy with school stuff. I'm trying to fix up my prospectus so that I can get ready to re-defend this term and that involves mega reading! I don't think I've mentioned it before, but my research is about factors that influence jury decision-making. I love the topic, but man, I'm going bug-eyed from reading academic journal articles!

Overall, I had a great first week towards my new fitness goals. I hit the gym 3 days and had some awesome full-body resistance workouts along with cardio. Man, I love that muscle burn the day after! And I think I'm going to decrease the amount of assistance to 35lbs for pull ups this week. I plan to start squeezing in a fourth and possibly a fifth workout each week but hitting the minimum 3 this past week was better than I had been doing the couple of weeks previously. My eating has been pretty darn good overall too. I had a couple of days where I ate a little something that was not completely clean, but it really was just a "little" something unlike the big somethings I was eating before. And on Wed., I had a business lunch at a restaurant and then a goodbye dinner for a coworker on the same day and I'm proud to say that I ordered a chicken salad at lunch and then salmon and veggies at dinner whereas in the past I would have caved and order pasta (mmm.... fettucini alfredo!!!) and possibly dessert. I rewarded myself the next day and bought a couple of new tops and a pair of pants (size 5 I might add!). I'm just feeling really good and it looks like I've already dropped about a pound and 1% body fat in just one week!

Well, I'm off to read your blogs, make lunches for me and for Kyle tomorrow and then maybe, just maybe get some sleep. We're supposed to get some freezing rain tonight and tomorrow so what a fun frickin' ride it's gonna be tomorrow!

Later all!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Numbers are in..... and they ain't pretty!

Yesterday, I had my free session with the personal trainer at the gym. I've been wanting to get my measurements done for awhile and I need them for the Oxygen contest so that I can assess my progress. Well, lets just say, I've got some work to do. At 30% body fat I am officially what they consider "skinny fat" in the fitness world. That's a hard number for me to write, but posting it will help keep my accountable to the changes I'm trying to make.

For those of you who know me personally and are thinking "What are you talking about Julie, you're not fat!", the normal range for women is between 22-27%. So, while I may only weigh 130lbs (which by the way, is about 5lbs less than last month!) too much of that weight is fat and not enough is lean muscle. Just thought I'd clear that up so no one thinks I'm nuts here.

The rest of the measurements were as follows:

Arm: 11"
Chest: 35.5"
Waist: 31"
Hips: 38"
Thigh: 22.5" (ugh, my absolute worst part in my opinion!)
Calf: 13.75"

The trainer also did a physical fitness test, so I had to run/walk as far as I could in 12 minutes. I ran 1.8K which she said was good, but she also said I probably would have gone farther if she hadn't talked to me so much during the run! I surprised myself by doing 7 real (not on the knee) pushups AND I was able to do 11 assisted pull-ups with only 45lbs of assistance!! I was using 55 or 60lbs before and the trainer said there was no way I needed that much assistance, especially in light of the fact that one of my goals is to do at least one unassisted pull-up one day. It's funny though, because I could have sworn that the 55lbs felt hard the last time I tried it, yet with the trainer I could do the 45lbs. I really underestimated myself.

Some of the other tests I did were crunches (23 in 30 seconds), planks (I lasted 1 min. 18 sec.), a wall sit (I lasted 1 min. 16 sec.) and tests for balance and flexibility which she said were both good. I was really pumped after all this because now I have a baseline of my abilities that I can use to compare for the future. Even though I know I can do it without a trainer, I wish I could afford one because that extra push would be awesome. With my 30th birthday coming up in a couple of weeks, maybe I'll ask for certificates I could use towards hiring a trainer. That would be the perfect gift!

I was really on track with my eating yesterday too and I could swear I feel different even after only one day (now you know I'm nuts, right?!). Needless to say, I'm really motivated right now, and I hope I can keep that energy up.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Getting Back on Track

As I promised myself, I renewed my membership at the gym near work today. This time, I decided to book a session with a personal trainer to get my body fat tested which I didn't do last time. I have one of those scales here at home that measures body fat but who knows how accurate that thing is. Not too accurate, I hope, because I don't like the numbers I see! That session with the trainer is booked for next Monday, so we'll see what happens.

I had an awesome workout which felt so good! I went back to one of my old routines where I do full body and try to go heavy for 1-2 sets. Here's what I did:

Leg Curl: 50lbs (1 set, 12 reps)
Leg Press: 90 lbs (1 set, 10 reps)
Roman Chair lifts: 12 straight leg, 12 knees to chest)
Lat Pull Downs: 90lbs (1 set, 12 reps)
Smith Squats: 70lbs (2 sets, 12 reps)
Chest Press: 60lbs (1 set, 12 reps)
Bent Over Rows: 30lbs (1 set per arm, 12 reps)
Chest Fly: 50lbs (1 set, 12 reps)
Dumbbell Curls: 30lbs (2 sets, 12 reps)
Skullcrushers: 20lbs (2 sets, 12 reps)
Shoulder Raises: 24lbs (1 set, 12 reps)
Assisted Pull-Ups: 60lbs assistance (1 set, 12 reps), 55lbs assistance (1 set, 12 reps)

I followed this up with 20 minutes of elliptical working between 150-160 BPM. Nutrition was good for most of the day, but I got stuck in a 2-hour meeting at work that went longer than I expected and when it was done, I left to pick up my daughter and I was sooo hungry by the time I got home that I ate a little mac and cheese since my husband had that made for my son's supper. Not great, but I mixed in half a can of tuna, so at least that should help to neutralize the quick serge in blood sugar that the pasta caused.

I also picked up the Oxygen Fat Loss special so now I know all of the details for the cover girl contest. I have to say, I'm psyched! I'm gonna take my before pics tonight and give this thing all that I've got. Even if I don't win, I'll be a healthier and more ripped version of myself!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Workout Rut

Today is Saturday and I have not done one good workout yet this week. Sure I've done a little walking here and there, but nothing that really counts. And my eating has been so-so. I usually start off the day right with either egg whites and oatmeal or a protein smoothie, but as the day goes on, I end up having a little sweet snack here and one there and as we all know, it adds up. I could go on about how busy of a week it was, etc., etc., but as Teresa recently wrote on her blog, when you look at the struggles Julie Whitt went through before she passed away and how no matter what, she found time and didn't let anything get in her way, I really don't have a good excuse. So, even though the week has been a write-off so far, today (NOT tomorrow) is the day I will pull up my socks and begin again. I will get to the gym today and do a "redemption workout" (which when translated means WORK DAMN HARD!). And on Monday, I will renew my membership at the gym beside work and start back there on my lunch hours. I held off on this before since I didn't know if I would still have a job. No excuses now though! I will also get back on track with eating well for the whole day, not just breakfast.

Plus, I found out that Oxygen is having a contest for its readers where someone will get to be on the cover next year!!! Apparently, the winner will be someone who has most improved their physique and health over a one year period. I have to pick up the special Nutrition issue that is out this month to read more of the details. I know it's a long shot, but winning that contest would be so awesome! Talk about motivation to bust my butt!

I've been thinking lately about why it is that we make these goals for ourselves but often end up hitting a rut. Back in my undergrad days, I studied with a professor who taught about procrastination. One of the things I learned is that people often procrastinate due to fear of failure. And when I think about it, it makes sense because I sometimes catch myself thinking that I will never get in the shape that I dream of being in. So, maybe when I get into a rut, I'm putting off doing what I know I should do because of the underlying fear that I can't do it! Sounds completely silly I'm sure, but there's lots of research that suggests that this is true for why people procrastinate on many things. Check out this funny little clip I found which gets at what I am talking about:


I think being more mindful of this fear of failure thing will help me to re-focus and get back on track. Because I CAN do it and the time to start is now, not tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Kick Ass Salsa Recipe

One of my friends from work gave me some homemade salsa and OMG was it good! I had to get the recipe from her which she got from Chatelaine magazine and I thought I'd share it with you guys. Salsa is one of my staples, and this is so much better than store bought. I made a batch this weekend and let me tell you, I got some good use out of my pampered chef chopper! So not only is this healthy, it's a great arm workout and stress relief (nothing like pounding the hell out of a bunch of veggies to release tension!!)

Here it is:

Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cooking Time: 40-60 minutes
Makes 10 cups (2.5L)


10-12 large very ripe tomatoes
2 large cooking onions or 2 medium Spanish onions
1 tbsp (15mL) vegetable oil (I used olive oil)
8 garlic cloves, minced
8 jalapeno peppers or 1 (4-1/2 oz/127 g) can diced green chilies
2-3 sweet green peppers
2 (5-1/2 oz/156mL) cans tomato paste
1/4 cup (50 mL) white or cider vinegar, or lime juice
1 tbsp (15 mL) paprika
2 tsp (10 mL) granulated sugar
1-1/2 tsp (7 mL) salt
1/2 tsp (2 mL) cayenne pepper

1. Core, seed and coarsely chop tomatoes. You should have 10 cups (2.5 L). Peel and finely chop onions.

2. Heat oil in a large wide saucepan set over medium heat. When hot, add onions and garlic. Cook, stirring often, until onions have softened, from 7 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, seed, then very finely chop jalapenos. Seed and coarsely chop sweet peppers.

3. When onions are softened, stir in tomato paste. Then add tomatoes, peppers, vinegar, paprika, sugar and salt. If using canned diced green chilies, stir in contents of can without draining. For an extra hot 'n' spicy hit, stir in cayenne. Bring to a boil, stirring often. Adjust heat so mixture gently bubbles, and cook, uncovered and stirring occasionally, until thickened, about 30 min. Store covered salsa in the fridge for up to 1 week or freeze.

For those of you who want the nutrition info here it is:

Nutrients per 2 tablespoons:

.3 g protein
.1 g fat
1.6 g carbs
.3 g fibre
.2 mg iron
3 mg calcium
8 calories
25 mg sodium


Thursday, January 05, 2006


I'm sure my title says it all, but the news from my meeting with the executive director is good: I still have a job! It was a huge weight off of my shoulders. It's interesting though how bittersweet the whole thing is. I am of course, happy for me, but some of my colleagues who have been laid off are such great people and I'm really going to miss them. In particular, one of my biggest mentors will be leaving and she is someone I have such a huge respect and admiration for. I don't think the agency will be quite the same without her leadership. If I one day end up being as good of a psychologist as her, I will have much to be proud of.

What a draining day! I think I will sleep much better tonight now that I have the news. Not like I was getting full nights of sleep before this whole thing since Emily usually wakes up a couple of times a night looking for her soother!! But at least now I have a better chance....

Thanks to everyone who sent words of encouragement.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Waiting in Wonder

As I type this, I've got little knots in my stomach because tomorrow, I find out for sure whether or not I will be laid off from my job. Last week, the agency had a conference call to announce that several full time positions will be axed between now and April 1 and that we will be going through a huge transition period. For us clinicians, we found out that the number of full time positions will be cut from 5.75 to 4 but they had not decided at the time exactly who would be cut. The executive assistant called me yesterday to let me know that my appointment with the executive director is tomorrow at 3:00. I just don't know what's going to happen and it's driving me crazy! This would be a really bad time to have to look for a new job since I have a busy upcoming semester in school and since my husband's business is getting off the ground (though if it takes off quickly, we would be O.K. too). I know it's out of my hands, but I can't help but worry at least a little bit.

On a more upbeat note, I did a really great home workout yesterday. Since I have been off of work these last two weeks, I haven't done my lunch hour workouts like before so I've either had to drive out to the nearest gym which is at least 20 minutes away or workout at home. I much prefer to go to the gym since I find it more motivating, but in order to save time yesterday (and in order to get the workout done first thing in the morning) I decided to stay here and use the old weights set my husband has. I am soooooooo NOT a morning person, but I must admit I felt good getting that workout out of the way. And I have that slight muscle ache today as the tell tale sign that I worked hard enough!!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy 2006 Everyone!

Well, it's hard to believe it, but another year is upon us. I find the older I get, the faster the years go by. I'm not a big believer in New Years resolutions, but every year I just try to better myself as a person so I plan to try doing so again this year.

Last night, we all went to my sister and brother-in-law's house for a New Years Eve celebration. They served as a great dinner which included this awesome filet mignon. I hardly ever eat beef or red meat, but boy, was that a treat!

My sister-in-law and I are both super competitive and about 2 or 3 times a year, we have a friendly little competition which usually includes arm wrestling, pushups, situps, and whatever else we feel like doing. Historically, she usually wins the arm wrestle when we use our right hands, but I usually win with the left hand. We have both been training harder at the gym lately so she was pretty excited to see what would happen this time, as was I. Well, I actually won both arm wrestles this time (yeah!!!) and I know she was surprised because she said she really didn't think I would win. It made me realize again how well my arms are coming along! I also won the pushup contest. She decided to give me a prize which was a tin of soy protein powder (Matt, you will appreciate this one given that I just posted on your site yesterday how I was thinking of getting a protein powder for my smoothies!!). I lost the arm wrestle against my other sister-in-law, though, so I will work harder so that I can beat her too! I know the whole family gets a kick out of our little competitions and the bunch of them were cheering us on!

To top it off, we also played three rounds of Texas hold 'em poker. We do this about once a month and we all put in $10 or $20 each depending on what everyone decides. I had never won before (came in second or third, but never first) and this time I won ALL THREE TIMES!! It must have been my lucky night.

All in all, a great night spent with a great bunch of people. I'm lucky to have my own family who is great as well as my husband's family who is also awesome.

Hope you all had fun too! Happy New Year!